Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tone of Collection Or Dunning Letters

Tone of Collection Or Dunning Letters
No where  is tone more important  than in collection letters. It should be kept friendly up to the final legel break, after which the customer himself must decide whether he wishes a resumption a friendly  relations. Courtesy is possible even in letter of force .Collection letters never need to make themselves offensive with rudeness of insulting phraseology . We should always avoid tones of anger ,contempt and insult . "I cannot understand how a man of your supposed standing in your community can absolutely ignore his obligation". These words are insulting and dangreous. Certain standards of courtesy ,decency , and acceptable manners must in all circumstances be observed.

If credit has been wisly extended ,most of the outstanding  accounts can be collected not only with out punishment but also in a cheerful tone. "Business is friendship , not warfare". sharp language  and insistent threat should be held in reserve , to be calles upon only in the ultimate emergency. The cheerful tone can bring about astonishing  results. Note the following reminder.
It is brief ,cheerful , courteous and successful.

Dear Sir,
It is not going to take much to balance yout account because you owe so littel.
Only $100/-
It is for our bill of march23
will you please look it up and take care of it today? Here is an envelope.

                                                                                                   Thank you

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